This Red Bean and Rice Salad with Spicy Vinaigrette makes for the perfect meal. Indian basmati and Louisiana popcorn rices are both long-grain varieties...
A make-ahead barley salad that has plenty of bold North African flavor thanks to preserved lemon, oil-cured olives, and cilantro. Perfect for potlucks...
A lemon-olive oil dressing is poured over tender potatoes while they're still warm, and a dash of red pepper flakes adds some kick to this simple side...
Soba Noodles with Tofu, Avocado, and Snow Peas makes for a delicious, nutritious lunch. Soba noodles are made with buckwheat flour, which is an excellent...
This Quinoa Salad With Corn and Red Pepper is a satisfying and nutritious meal. Called a supergrain, quinoa dates back to the Incan civilization. It has...
Let me present you Balela deliciousness!! So colorful, so easy, so refreshing... This hearty colorful salad comes from many Middle Eastern countries and...
Freshly squeezed Meyer-lemon juice brightens the mustard vinaigrette in this simple salad and tempers the bite of the watercress, arugula, and frisee....
Fresh tomatoes and roasted red peppers are tossed in an almond and sherry vinegar dressing to create this side salad. Instead of roasting the peppers,...
These two cabbage cousins offer an interesting twist on the traditional coleslaw. Kohlrabi makes a great addition to stir-fries, while turnips, when pureed...
Our glorious grain bowl calls for making the brown rice in advance, but even if you start from scratch, you can get the whole dish on the table in under...
Sliced radicchio -- tossed in a lemon dressing with green beans, cauliflower, and Parmesan cheese -- creates a sweet and crunchy update on the classic...
Sang Lee Farm cultivates a variety of Asian produce, much of which Karen Lee sells at the family's farm stand. Karen has also developed a number of recipes...
Portobello mushrooms are quite large (they measure four to six inches in diameter) and have a rich, meaty flavor. To clean them, wipe the caps with a damp...
Earthy textures make this salad as interestingto look at as it is to eat. French lentils are firmer than many other varieties, so they won't get mushy...
Try serving this simple Asian-inspired salad with cold sesame noodles or stir-fried chicken with peanuts.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda Scala Quinn...
Purple kale or curly kale can be substituted for the Tuscan variety (also called lacinato); chop the sturdy leaves instead of tearing them. Spelt is a...
A lunchtime bowl includes white beans and broccoli, two foods high in fiber, which can lower cholesterol and may help prevent type-2 diabetes. Tomatoes...
Baby spinach and red mustard leaves are more tender and spicy than the familiar varieties of those greens. You can use other spicy baby lettuces, such...